
Idioms and Phrases

Idioms and Phrases: Idioms and Phrases Meaning, English Idioms Examples

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Q176. Choose the correct meaning of proverb/idiom: **To lead someone by the nose**

  1.  to make a person do whatever you want him to do
  2.  to show distaste for someone's company
  3.  to help a person in a difficult or dangerous situation
  4.  to make fun of someone in the public
  5.  to be controlled by someone

Solution : to make a person do whatever you want him to do
Q177. Choose the correct meaning of proverb/idiom: **To live from hand to mouth**

  1.  to reveal a secret by mistake
  2.  to be punished for revealing somebody's secret
  3.  to be able to satisfy only the basic needs of life
  4.  to confess a wrong doing
  5.  to be deeply involved in something

Solution : to be able to satisfy only the basic needs of life
Q178. Choose the correct meaning of proverb/idiom: **To turn a deaf ear**

  1.  to refuse to praise others
  2.  to miss an opportunity
  3.  to become excited or to act foolishly in a crisis
  4.  to refuse to have any dealing with somebody
  5.  to refuse to listen to somebody.

Solution : to refuse to listen to somebody.
Q179. Choose the correct meaning of proverb/idiom: **A snake in the grass**

  1.  to try to find information secretly
  2.  to move towards someone very quietly and stealthily
  3.  a person who shows no respect for others
  4.  a person who pretends to be your friend but who cannot be trusted
  5.  to be available or present in large quantities

Solution : a person who pretends to be your friend but who cannot be trusted

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Q180. Choose the correct meaning of proverb/idiom: **To throw somebody to the wolves**

  1.  to suddenly become very angry or upset
  2.  to provide evidence of the truth of something
  3.  to leave someone to be roughly treated without providing any help
  4.  to be so worried by a problem
  5.  to be punished severely

Solution : to leave someone to be roughly treated without providing any help


Solution :

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