Vocabulary - Synonyms & Antonyms
English Vocabulary Words: Vocabulary Builder with Meaning, Antonyms, Synonyms, how to improve English Vocabulary
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Q236. > alleged poaching by political parties among the ranks of their
> counterparts with charges of corruption blaring out loud against one
> another.
Find the Synonyms for these words given in this passage in bold.
- apposite
- opposite
- equivalent
- design
- dynasty
Solution : equivalent
Q237. > platform of resistance to the majoritarianism of the Lok Sabha during
> the Janata regime (1977-79), National Democratic Alliance (NDA) rule
> (1998-2004), UPA II (2009-2014) and in the last two years of NDA rule.
Find the Synonyms for these words given in this passage in bold.
- Traitor
- Dysfunctional
- Anonymous
- sovereignty
- Independence
Solution : sovereignty
Q238. > Clearly there was much elitism and condescension in such a conception
> of the House, that led to frequent potshots between members of both
> Houses in the early days of the Parliament that were eventually reined
> in by rules of Privilege Motion.
Find the Synonyms for these words given in this passage in bold.
- Nonchalant
- supremacy
- meritocracy
- Sycophancy
- aristocratic
Solution : aristocratic
Q239. > duplicates the functions of the Lok Sabha and therefore, in the words
> of Abb? Siey?s, turns out to be “superfluous”.
Find the Synonyms for these words given in this passage in bold.
- Necessary
- redundant
- niggardly
- sparse
- Ample
Solution : redundant
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Q240. > First, some members of the Assembly saw it as a House of reflective
> and evaluative reasoning removed from the hurry-scurry of everyday
> life. N. Gopalaswami Ayyangar termed it as the House which can rein in
> “passions of the moment”.
Find the Synonyms for these words given in this passage in bold.
- hullabaloo
- orderliness
- juxtaposition
- tranquility
- utopia
Solution : hullabaloo
Solution :
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