Vocabulary - Synonyms & Antonyms
English Vocabulary Words: Vocabulary Builder with Meaning, Antonyms, Synonyms, how to improve English Vocabulary

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Build your English Vocabulary: Online English Vocabulary Test Questions with Answers on Vocabulary - Synonyms & Antonyms
Q356. > Although the Basel norms helped to arrest the erosion of banks,
> capital ratios, concerns were raised regarding the mere applicability
> of baseline capital ratios in the changed environment of operation.
Choose the word which is MOST SIMILAR in meaning to the word as used above:
- longitude
- depletion
- assets
- replenishment
- reclamation
Solution : depletion
Q357. > The Accord rests on three pillars; the first
> pillar of minimum capital requirement, the second pillar of
> supervisory review process and the third pillar of market discipline.
Choose the word which is MOST OPPOSITE in meaning of the word as used above
- summit
- record
- disagreement
- difference
- withdrawal
Solution : disagreement
Q358. > It invited
> suggestions from the policymakers, academia and other institutes all
> over the world. After taking into consideration manifold suggestions
> of the various organizations, the second Consultative Paper on Capital
> Adequacy was released.
Choose the word which is MOST OPPOSITE in meaning of the word as used above
- single
- alone
- lonely
- isolated
- multiple
Solution : single
Q359. > Only paltry sums are available for excavating and
> even less is available for publishing the results and preserving the
> sites once excavated.
Choose the word which is MOST SIMILAR in meaning to the word as used above:
- precise
- discernible
- explanatory
- enumerate
- bore
Solution : bore
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Q360. > I
> would like to make an outrageous suggestion that would at one stroke
> provide funds for archaeology and reduce the amount of illegal
> digging.
Choose the word which is MOST SIMILAR in meaning to the word as used above:
- alternatives
- distracters
- answers
- atrocious
- directions
Solution : atrocious
Solution :
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