
Unit-2 Writing Paragraphs-2 The Development Of A Paragraph

This unit explains different techniques of developing paragraphs.

The existence of a hierarchy helps to assure order and discipline, and these things are important among monkeys just as they are among humans. They permit, first, the making of quick decisions. Whenever people are brought together, they will only be able to reach decisions quickly if some kind of hierarchy is established. Every jury needs its foreman; every cricket team needs a captain. The same is true of monkeys. Some animal in the group has to decide when the group shall move, which direction it shall follow. what action it shall take to avoid predators. Some form of leadership is essential if action is to be taken quickly, and hierarchy has come into existence to avoid continual infighting which could be the consequence of total equality.

(Adapted form The Primates by Eimerl. S. and De Vors, I. Time-Life Series) 

Question: The paragraph given above is organized by first discussing one subject and then comparing it  with another. Let's try and understand the paragraph better.

Fill in the gaps :

a) Having a hierarchy is essential for both men and monkeys because .................................

b) It is particularly important for men because ...................................................

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Written on Jun 26, 2019 11:32:58 AM

a) it helps to keep order and discipline.

b) it helps them to make quick decisions.