
Unit-2 Imperialism - Its Effects

In this unit we intend to study the impact of Colonialism on Indian society in details.

How would you explain the alliance between the Indian capitalist class and the nationalist leadership? (Write in fifty words). 

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Learning Pundits Content Team

Written on Apr 24, 2019 5:55:48 PM

The pattern of industrial capitalist imperialism included an agenda of action by the colonial state for promoting the development of an economic infrastructure for the exploitation of the natural resources and raw materials of the colony. The latter extended industrial investment first in cotton textiles, in the teeth of the opposition of Manchester interests and the inimical tariff policy of the British Indian Government. From 1854 when the first Indian mill was set up in Bombay till the World War I the progress of Indian industrial capital was painfully slow and halting. It was the War and the inter-war period which saw the rapid development and industrial diversification of Indian Capital. This development was in part the story of struggle against foreign capitalist domination (most pronounced in eastern India). It also involved a struggle against British business interests which exercised powerful influence on policy-making in England and also against the unsympathetic British Indian Government. This would explain the emergence of alliance between the Indian capitalist class and the nationalist leadership who fully supported national capital.