
Unit-4 Expository Composition

In this unit we shall discuss the nature of expository composition and the methods of developing it.

A flat tire can upset and frighten a driver, but if a few simple steps are learned, the tire can be quickly and easily changed. First, park the vehicle on flat ground, and firmly set the hand brakes. Second, be sure to block the wheel diagonally opposite the flat tire with two rocks or a piece of heavy wood to prevent the car from slipping. Third, remove the wheel cap, and slightly loosen the wheel nuts with a wrench. Next position the jack under the frame of the car, and raise the vehicle until the tire clears the ground. Now, completely remove the wheel nuts and the wheel, install the spare, retighten the nuts, lower the vehicle, and replace the wheel cap. With these easy instructions almost anyone with the strength to lift a wheel can independently change a tire.

(from Susan S. Johnston et a1 : Keys to Composition)

Question: Make a list of the transition words indicating the sequence of the steps.

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Learning Pundits Content Team

Written on Jun 26, 2019 1:12:56 PM

First, second, third, next, now.