
Unit-5 Methods Of Raising Finance

In this unit you will learn why finance is needed, what the sources of finance and the methods of raising finance.

What are the methods of raising short-term capital? Discuss

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Learning Pundits Content Team

Written on Jun 24, 2019 4:18:07 PM

The following methods may be used to finance short-term capital:

  1. Trade credit- Outstanding amounts payable to suppliers of raw materials and , consumable items and bills payable relating to credit purchases
  2. Factoring - Assignment of book debts to a bank and receiving cash in advance with the responsibility of collecting the debts taken over by the bank on payment of specified charges.
  3. Discounting bills of exchange-  When goods are sold on credit, bills of exchange are generally drawn for acceptance by the buyers of goods.
  4. Bank overdraft and cash credit- Overdraft is a temporary arrangement with the bank which permits the company to overdraw from its current deposit account with the bank up to a certain limit. The overdraft facility is also granted against securities as in the case of cash credit.
  5. Public deposits.