
Unit-6 Sources Of Long-Term Finance And Underwriting

In this unit we shall examine in detail the nature and importance of long-term finance.

Is it compulsory to seek the consent of the Controller of Capital Issues before offering shares and debentures to the public? What are the conditions to be fulfilled if a company wants to issue debentures to the public?

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Learning Pundits Content Team

Written on Apr 15, 2019 6:21:36 PM

Yes, A company making public offer of shares and debentures must obtain prior consent of the Controller of Capital Issues if the amount to be raised during one year exceeds Rs. one crore. But public limited companies issuing shares are exempt from seeking consent provided certain conditions ar2 satisfied. But companies must seek the consent of the Controller for issue of debentures to the public. Loans raised from financial institutions do not require the Controller's approval.