Reading Comprehension
Reading Comprehension: English Reading Comprehension Exercises with Answers, Sample Passages for Reading Comprehension Test for GRE, CAT, IELTS preparation

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English Reading Comprehension Test Questions and Answers. Improve your ability to read and comprehend English Passages
Q76. > Role of education in our life is vital as it reflects good
> civilisation which spreads awareness in society about how we can be a
> good social being and help others in our daily life. Education is also
> a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills, and habits of a
> group of people are transferred from one generation to the next
> through teaching, training, or research. Education frequently takes
> place under the guidance of others, but may also be autodidactic. Any
> experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels,
> or acts may be considered educational. Right to Education Act (RTE) is
> an Indian legislation enacted by the Parliament of India on 4 August
> 2009, which describes the modalities of the importance of free and
> compulsory education for children between 6 and 14 in India under
> Article 21(a) of the Constitution. India became one of 135 countries
> to make education a fundamental right of every child when the act came
> into force on 1 April 2010. To provide better education an amount is
> released by Indian government every year. The Ministry of Finance
> proposed an allocation of Rs. 65,869 crore for the sector in the
> Union budget for 2013-14, an increase of a little over 7% from that
> for the current fiscal year.
> Of the total education outlay, the flagship scheme Sarva Shiksha
> Abhiyan (SSA) was allocated Rs. 27,258 crore for implementing the
> Right to Education Act that promises education to all children in the
> 6-14 age group. The previous Union Budget for 2012-13 had pegged an
> outlay of Rs. 61,427 crore for education, including Rs. 25,555 crore
> for SSA.But the quality of education provided by the government system
> remains in question. As it’s suffering from shortages of teachers,
> infrastructural gaps and several habitations continue to lack schools
> altogether. There are also frequent allegations of government schools
> being riddled with absenteeism and mismanagement and appointments are
> based on political convenience. Despite the allure of free lunchfood
> in the government schools, many parents send their children to private
> schools.
> The condition of education is also pathetic in most of the countries
> i.e. on 9 October 2012; Yousafzai was shot in the head and neck in an
> assassination attempt by Taliban gunmen while returning home on a
> school bus. But they could not succeed. The assassination attempt
> sparked a national and international outpouring of support for
> Yousafzai. Now Yousafzai may have become “the most famous teenager in
> the world”. If the Right to Education Act is implemented properly in
> all schools, students from the marginalised sections will be greatly
> benefited. Another important fact is financial support for education.
> The student could achieve this feat only because of the scholarship
> scheme. The government should make sure that grants are disbursed on
> time and deserving students should not have to wait.
What age limit has been decided for compulsory and free education in India?
- Children between 6 and 14
- All children born on 1 January 1999 or before.
- All children who are above 3 1/2 years.
- All students below 14 years studying in government schools.
- None of these
Solution : Children between 6 and 14
Q77. > Role of education in our life is vital as it reflects good
> civilisation which spreads awareness in society about how we can be a
> good social being and help others in our daily life. Education is also
> a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills, and habits of a
> group of people are transferred from one generation to the next
> through teaching, training, or research. Education frequently takes
> place under the guidance of others, but may also be autodidactic. Any
> experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels,
> or acts may be considered educational. Right to Education Act (RTE) is
> an Indian legislation enacted by the Parliament of India on 4 August
> 2009, which describes the modalities of the importance of free and
> compulsory education for children between 6 and 14 in India under
> Article 21(a) of the Constitution. India became one of 135 countries
> to make education a fundamental right of every child when the act came
> into force on 1 April 2010. To provide better education an amount is
> released by Indian government every year. The Ministry of Finance
> proposed an allocation of Rs. 65,869 crore for the sector in the
> Union budget for 2013-14, an increase of a little over 7% from that
> for the current fiscal year.
> Of the total education outlay, the flagship scheme Sarva Shiksha
> Abhiyan (SSA) was allocated Rs. 27,258 crore for implementing the
> Right to Education Act that promises education to all children in the
> 6-14 age group. The previous Union Budget for 2012-13 had pegged an
> outlay of Rs. 61,427 crore for education, including Rs. 25,555 crore
> for SSA.But the quality of education provided by the government system
> remains in question. As it’s suffering from shortages of teachers,
> infrastructural gaps and several habitations continue to lack schools
> altogether. There are also frequent allegations of government schools
> being riddled with absenteeism and mismanagement and appointments are
> based on political convenience. Despite the allure of free lunchfood
> in the government schools, many parents send their children to private
> schools.
> The condition of education is also pathetic in most of the countries
> i.e. on 9 October 2012; Yousafzai was shot in the head and neck in an
> assassination attempt by Taliban gunmen while returning home on a
> school bus. But they could not succeed. The assassination attempt
> sparked a national and international outpouring of support for
> Yousafzai. Now Yousafzai may have become “the most famous teenager in
> the world”. If the Right to Education Act is implemented properly in
> all schools, students from the marginalised sections will be greatly
> benefited. Another important fact is financial support for education.
> The student could achieve this feat only because of the scholarship
> scheme. The government should make sure that grants are disbursed on
> time and deserving students should not have to wait.
What major problems are encountered in government schools?
- Lack of well educated teachers
- Mismanagement
- Political interference
- Lack of facilities
- All of the above
Solution : All of the above
Q78. > Just as there are basic laws and principles that control your physical
> world, there are basic laws and principles that control your mental
> world as well. Before you can hope to operate your human success
> system properly, you need to know the basic laws that determine your
> behavior and affect your very being. In this regard, you have no
> choice. You cannot decide to bypass these laws in an attempt to negate
> their application. They are present in all mental working and will
> always operate successfully to bring about the results you keep
> telling your mind you want.
> The human mind is very much like a sophisticated electronic computer.
> When you acquire any new piece of advanced equipment, you normally
> take some time to carefully read the manual and basic operating
> instructions before turning it on to make it work. Operating
> instructions are important. They tell you how to get maximum
> performance out of the device, taking into account the specific tasks
> it was designed to perform. It should be the same with operating your
> own miraculous built-in machine. You were born as the most advanced
> living organism in the world, yet you lack the precise knowledge to
> get the most out of your internal success system. Of course, your
> automatic goal-stirring mechanism is always successful. But it is
> probably more successful at getting you what you don’t want in life
> rather than what you do want. Understanding the mental laws will help
> you get what you do want, more often.
- be efficient in all we undertake
- manage our human success system properly
- know right from wrong
- emerge triumphant in all situations
- they familiarize us with it
Solution : manage our human success system properly
Q79. > Role of education in our life is vital as it reflects good
> civilisation which spreads awareness in society about how we can be a
> good social being and help others in our daily life. Education is also
> a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills, and habits of a
> group of people are transferred from one generation to the next
> through teaching, training, or research. Education frequently takes
> place under the guidance of others, but may also be autodidactic. Any
> experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels,
> or acts may be considered educational. Right to Education Act (RTE) is
> an Indian legislation enacted by the Parliament of India on 4 August
> 2009, which describes the modalities of the importance of free and
> compulsory education for children between 6 and 14 in India under
> Article 21(a) of the Constitution. India became one of 135 countries
> to make education a fundamental right of every child when the act came
> into force on 1 April 2010. To provide better education an amount is
> released by Indian government every year. The Ministry of Finance
> proposed an allocation of Rs. 65,869 crore for the sector in the
> Union budget for 2013-14, an increase of a little over 7% from that
> for the current fiscal year.
> Of the total education outlay, the flagship scheme Sarva Shiksha
> Abhiyan (SSA) was allocated Rs. 27,258 crore for implementing the
> Right to Education Act that promises education to all children in the
> 6-14 age group. The previous Union Budget for 2012-13 had pegged an
> outlay of Rs. 61,427 crore for education, including Rs. 25,555 crore
> for SSA.But the quality of education provided by the government system
> remains in question. As it’s suffering from shortages of teachers,
> infrastructural gaps and several habitations continue to lack schools
> altogether. There are also frequent allegations of government schools
> being riddled with absenteeism and mismanagement and appointments are
> based on political convenience. Despite the allure of free lunchfood
> in the government schools, many parents send their children to private
> schools.
> The condition of education is also pathetic in most of the countries
> i.e. on 9 October 2012; Yousafzai was shot in the head and neck in an
> assassination attempt by Taliban gunmen while returning home on a
> school bus. But they could not succeed. The assassination attempt
> sparked a national and international outpouring of support for
> Yousafzai. Now Yousafzai may have become “the most famous teenager in
> the world”. If the Right to Education Act is implemented properly in
> all schools, students from the marginalised sections will be greatly
> benefited. Another important fact is financial support for education.
> The student could achieve this feat only because of the scholarship
> scheme. The government should make sure that grants are disbursed on
> time and deserving students should not have to wait.
Who among the following attempted to kill Yousafzai?
- Naxalites
- Taliban gunman
- LeT
- None of these
Solution : Taliban gunman
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Q80. > Just as there are basic laws and principles that control your physical
> world, there are basic laws and principles that control your mental
> world as well. Before you can hope to operate your human success
> system properly, you need to know the basic laws that determine your
> behavior and affect your very being. In this regard, you have no
> choice. You cannot decide to bypass these laws in an attempt to negate
> their application. They are present in all mental working and will
> always operate successfully to bring about the results you keep
> telling your mind you want.
> The human mind is very much like a sophisticated electronic computer.
> When you acquire any new piece of advanced equipment, you normally
> take some time to carefully read the manual and basic operating
> instructions before turning it on to make it work. Operating
> instructions are important. They tell you how to get maximum
> performance out of the device, taking into account the specific tasks
> it was designed to perform. It should be the same with operating your
> own miraculous built-in machine. You were born as the most advanced
> living organism in the world, yet you lack the precise knowledge to
> get the most out of your internal success system. Of course, your
> automatic goal-stirring mechanism is always successful. But it is
> probably more successful at getting you what you don’t want in life
> rather than what you do want. Understanding the mental laws will help
> you get what you do want, more often.
These basic laws influence all mental workings and always operate successfully to achieve
- what we cherish most
- what we attempt to do
- what we tell our minds we want
- what we want in our subconscious
- none of the above
Solution : what we tell our minds we want
Solution :
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