
Unit-4 Conceptions Of Political Theory

The main objective of this unit is to explicate different conceptions which are found in political theory.

Write a few lines on the development of political theory.

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Learning Pundits Content Team

Written on Apr 16, 2019 5:35:06 PM

Developments in political theory always reflect the changes which occur in society. Political theories are produced in response to the challenges which emerge at different times. Hegel’s symbolic characterisation of political theory as ‘the owl of Minerva takes flight when shadow of darkness falls’ is very apt. However, we will do well to remember that political thought, which also emerges due to societal challenges, is bound by time as well as space. And is therefore, different from theory which breaks such barriers and proves its worth in understanding and explaining political phenomena of different nature and origin. This is because theories are purged and purified from ideologies and biases and arrive at certain principles, which are not only timeless, but may even be called knowledge. Political theorists, while indulging in theorisation, pursue ideas not for the sake of fulfillment of their fads and fantasies, but in order to search those principles whose understanding can make life better. In this enterprise, theorists, by and large, are motivated by the concrete political situation.