•The storm-centres of the revolt were Delhi, Kanpur, Lucknow, Bareilly, Jhansi and Arrah. All these places threw up their own leaders who for all practical purposes. remained independent, even though they accepted the suzerainty of Emperor Bahadur Shah.
•Bakht Khan, Nana Saheb, Tantya Tope, The Begum of Awadh, Rani Lakshmi Bai, Kunwar Singh and some unknowm martyrs are remembered for their patriotism and courage.
•There were many unknown and unacknowledged but no less valiant leaders among the sepoys, peasantry and petty zamindars. They also fought the British with exemplary courage to expel them from India. Peasants and sepoys laid down their lives for the cause of their country, forgetting their religious and caste differences and rising above their narrow personal interests.