
Unit-5 Colonialism - The New Adminstrative System - Pre And Post 1857

The aim of this Unit is to study the pattern and growth of British Administrative System before and after 1857.

Write the main achievements and disadvantages of the new judicial system. 

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Written on Apr 24, 2019 6:47:52 PM

Important achievements of the new judicial set up were: rule of law, equality before law, recognition of the right of the individual to be judged by his personal law and the growth of a professional and trained judicial hierarchy. The main disadvantages were the discrimination against Indians, the procedures were long and justice expensive. Cornwallis erected the structure of a system of government under which India came to be ruled for the next hundred years. It was based on the perpetuation of foreign rule and exploitation of the wealth of the governed. In 1801 the judicial authority of the Governor General and council came to an end and three judges were appointed to form the Sadar Diwani Adalat or civil Appellate Court. The principle of duality between the courts of the Crown and the zamindari courts ended in 1801 when the Indian High Court Act established High Courts at Calcutta. Madras and Bombay in place of the Supreme court as well as the Sadar court. The important features of the new judicial set up were the rule of law. equality before law, recognition of the right to be judged by his personal law and the growth of the professional and trained judicial hierarchy.