
Unit-5 Colonialism - The New Adminstrative System - Pre And Post 1857

The aim of this Unit is to study the pattern and growth of British Administrative System before and after 1857.

Which was the first major Act passed by the British Parliament to regulate Indian affairs. Write five lines on it. 

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Written on Apr 24, 2019 6:48:18 PM

The Regulating Act of 1773 might be regarded as the first serious attempt by the British Parliament to regulate Indian affairs. It constituted for the first time a supreme government, headed by a Governor General of Fort William in Bengal and four Councillors, having the supervisory authority over the presidencies of Bombay and Madras. The presidencies were forbidden to make war or peace with Indian states without the consent of Governor General and Council, except in cases of imminent necessity and also in the cases where they had received direct orders from the court of Directors. The Act also provided for the establishment of a Supreme Court of Judicature at Calcutta. The Regulating Act recognised the right of Parliament to regulate the civil, military and revenue affairs of the company's territories in India and registers the first concern in the intervention of the Indian affairs. The Act suffered from certain fundamental defects which contributed to the difficulties of Warren Hastings who was opposed by his councillors. The Act was also vague about the jurisdiction control over subordinate presidencies and the jurisdiction between the Supreme Council and the Supreme Court.