
Unit-1 Administrative System At The Advent Of British Rule

In this Unit the overall objective is to examine the political and administrative environment in India at the advent 6f British rule.

Make a list of important officials at the Central level.

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Written on Jun 26, 2019 4:54:31 PM

  • At the head of the province was the ‘subedar' or Governor. 

  • The diwan was next in importance to the Governor. 
  • The 'Sadr' and the 'Qazi' were the two officers at the provincial level which were sometimes united in the same person though there was a distinction in the jurisdiction of the two.
  • At the district level, head of each sarkar was the Faujdar who was the executive head.
  • Apart from the 'Faujdar', the other head of the 'sarkar' was the 'amalguzar’. 
  • The 'kotwal' did policing of the town and its suburbs.