
Unit-1 Administrative System At The Advent Of British Rule

In this Unit the overall objective is to examine the political and administrative environment in India at the advent 6f British rule.

Distinguish between the Zamindari, Mahalwari and Ryotwari tenurial systems.

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Written on Jun 26, 2019 4:55:23 PM

  • The Zamindari system was prevalent in Bengal and was extended by the British to parts of Madras. Here the Zamindars as the intermediaries played a crucial role. 
  • In the Mahalwari system, as seen in the North West Provinces, the settlement of land revenue was with zamindars that held their Mahal (estate) in joint proprietorship and not on an individual basis. 
  • The Ryotwari system, seen in North India and the Deccan, did away with all kinds of intermediaries between the State and the ryots or peasants.