
Unit-1 Administrative System At The Advent Of British Rule

In this Unit the overall objective is to examine the political and administrative environment in India at the advent 6f British rule.

Describe the types of tribunals for judicial administration.

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Learning Pundits Content Team

Written on Jun 26, 2019 4:58:19 PM

  • For the dispensation of justice, there were two types of tribunals. 
  • There was the Chief 'Qazi' with subordinate 'Qazi' who followed the Islamic law, both civil ad criminal. 
  • The other was the ‘mir’adl', a secular officer who took care of suits not specifically provided for by the religious laws of the two communities. 
  • The king was the supreme court of both original and appellate jurisdiction. 
  • The office of 'mir'adl' was limited to big cities and towns where the mixed population and advanced commerce gave rise to cases not covered by Quranic law. 
  • Here too, there were opportunities for corruption and misuse of authority. 
  • Where the ‘mir'adl’ and 'qazi' were both present, the former exercised a general controlling authority over the 'qazi' who acted under him as a law officer.