Coding Decoding
Coding Decoding: Coding and Decoding New Pattern Questions, Coding and Decoding Tricks for Reasoning Questions
Coding Decoding: Coding and Decoding New Pattern Questions, Coding and Decoding Tricks for Reasoning Questions

Learning Pundits Content Team
Written on Sep 28, 2017 8:11:37 PM
2 TIPS on cracking Reasoning Questions on Artificial Language
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Tip #1: Break the given words in the artificial language as well as English into smaller parts to find their translations
Question: Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
(I) migenlasan means cupboard
(II) lasanpoen means boardwalk
(III) cuopdansa means pullman
Which word could mean "walkway“ ?
A. Poenmigen B. cuopeisel C. lasandansa D. poenforc
‘Board’ is common between cupboard and boardwalk. Since ‘lasan’ is common between migenlasan and lasanpoen, we can conclude that ‘lasan’ implies ‘board’ and ‘poen’ implies ‘walk’. Both A and D start with ‘poen’ but ‘migen’ means cup and therefore A can be rejected. Thus, the correct answer is poenforc, i.e., D.
Question: Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
(I) apatose means first base
(II) epatose means second base
(III) lartabuk means ballpark
Which of the following words could mean “baseball” ?
A. buklarta B. oseepta C. bukose D. oselarta
The word for ‘base’ could be ‘patose’ or ‘atose’ or ‘tose’ or ‘ose’ etc. From the options, since ‘ose’ is common across options B, C and D, we can conclude that the translation for ‘base’ is ‘ose’. The words in both the artificial language and English appear in the same order. Thus, option C can be eliminated. Among B and D, only D has the phrase ‘larta’ from lartabuk which corresponds to ‘ball’. So, the correct option is D.
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Tip #2: Eliminate options with (a) incorrect translations and/ or (b) incorrect order of appearance of the words
Question: Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
(I) agnoscrenia means poisonous spider
(II) delanocreania means poisonous snake
(III) agnosdeery means brown spider.
Which word could mean ‘black widow spider’?
A. deeryclostagnos B. agnosdelano C. agnosvitriblunin D. trymuttiagnos
It is evident that in the artificial language, nouns appear first and then the adjectives, with the phrase ‘agnos’ meaning spider. Thus, it should appear first. This eliminates options A and D. Now, ‘delano’ means snake, so this eliminates option B. Hence, the answer is C.
Question: Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
(I) jalkamofti means happy birthday
(II) moftihoze means birthday party
(III) mentogunn means goodness.
Which of the following could mean ‘happiness’?
A. jalkagunn B. mentohoze C. moftihoze D. Hozemento
In the artificial language, the phrase ‘mufti’ is common between ‘happy birthday’ and ‘birthday party’ and therefore, it refers to ‘birthday’. Hence, ‘jalka’ means happy. There is only one option with this phrase. So the correct answer is A.
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Coding Decoding
Coding Decoding: Coding and Decoding New Pattern Questions, Coding and Decoding Tricks for Reasoning Questions
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