
Statements, Assumptions, Arguments and Conclusions

Statements, Assumptions, Arguments and Conclusions: Critical Reasoning Questions. Tricks on how to solve critical Reasoning questions

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Online Logical Reasoning Test Questions with Answers on Statements, Assumptions, Arguments and Conclusions

Q361. Statement: One of the problems facing the food processing industry is the irregular supply of raw material. The producers of raw material are not getting a reasonable price. Courses of Action: 1.The government should regulate the supply of raw material to other industries also. 2.The government should announce an attractive package to ensure regular supply of raw material for food processing industry.

  1.  Only I follows
  2.  Only II follows
  3.  Either I or II follows
  4.  Neither I nor II follows
  5.  Both I and II follow

Solution : Only II follows
Q362. Statement: The Committee has criticized the Institute for its failure to implement a dozen of regular programmes despite an increase in the staff strength and not drawing up a firm action plan for studies and research. Courses of Action: 1.The broad objectives of the Institute should be redefined to implement a practical action plan. 2.The Institute should give a report on reasons for not having implemented the planned programmes.

  1.  Only I follows
  2.  Only II follows
  3.  Either I or II follows
  4.  Neither I nor II follows
  5.  Both I and II follow

Solution : Both I and II follow
Q363. Statement: India has been continuously experiencing military threats from its neighbouring countries. Courses of Action: 1.India should engage into an all out war to stop the nagging threats. 2.India should get the neighbours into a serious dialogue to reduce the tension at its borders.

  1.  Only I follows
  2.  Only II follows
  3.  Either I or II follows
  4.  Neither I nor II follows
  5.  Both I and II follow

Solution : Only II follows
Q364. Statement: As many as ten coaches of a passenger train have derailed and blocked both pairs of the railway tracks. Courses of Action: 1.The railway authorities should immediately send men and equipment to the spot to clear the railway tracks. 2.All the trains running in both the directions should be diverted to other routes.

  1.  Only I follows
  2.  Only II follows
  3.  Either I or II follows
  4.  Neither I nor II follows
  5.  Both I and II follow

Solution : Both I and II follow

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Q365. Statement: There has been a significant drop in the water level of all the lakes supplying water to the city. Courses of Action: 1.The water supply authority should impose a partial cut in supply to tackle the situation. 2.The government should appeal to all the residents through mass media for minimal use of water.

  1.  Only I follows
  2.  Only II follows
  3.  Either I or II follows
  4.  Neither I nor II follows
  5.  Both I and II follow

Solution : Both I and II follow


Solution :

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