
Future Tense

Future Tense: Future Perfect Tense, Future Continuous Tense, Future Perfect Continuous Tense, Simple Future Tense with Examples

Future Tense: Future Perfect Tense, Future Continuous Tense, Future Perfect Continuous Tense, Simple Future Tense with Examples

    1 Tips


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Written on Sep 29, 2017 7:25:50 PM

Grammar Rules with 8 Tips on using Future Tense

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Classifying Tenses:

Tense is a form of Verb which indicates the time and state of and action or event.

Classifying tenses based on the Time of Action:

a)    He writes letters. (Present Tense: Now- Present time of an action)

b)    He wrote letters. (Past Tense: Before Now- Past time of an action)

c)    He will write letters. (Future Tense: After Now- Future time of an action)

Classifying Tenses based on the state of Action:

1.    Simple:

a)    Present: sings

b)    Past: sang

c)    Future: will sing

2.    Continuous (progressive action):

a)    Present: is singing

b)    Past: was singing

c)    Future: will be singing

3.    Perfect (completed action):

a)    Present: has sung

b)    Past: had sung

c)    Future: will have sung

4.    Perfect Continuous (progressive action that is ongoing):

a)    Present: has been singing

b)    Past: had been singing

c)    Future: will have been singing

Simple Future:

Used to refer to an action that will take place in a time later than now, and expresses facts or certainty.

1.    Predict a future event: It will rain tomorrow.

2.    Express willingness or Spontaneous decision: I'll pay for the tickets by credit card.

3.    Give orders: You will do exactly as I say.

4.    Future as Fact: I shall be twenty next Saturday.

5.    Negative version- use won’t (will not): The baby won't eat his soup.

6.    Interrogative version-use Will/Shall: Will the dance troupe perform in Mumbai next year?

Future Continuous:

Used to talk about an unfinished action or event that will be in progress in the future

1.    Prediction or Guess: I suppose it will be raining when we start.

2.    Projection or already planned events: This time next week, I will be skiing at Gulmarg.

3.    Actions expected to happen in the normal course of things: When he is in Jaipur, he will be staying with his friends.

4.    Definite future arrangements: He will be meeting us at the conference next week.

5.    Interrogative version-asking for information: Will she be going to the college today?

Future Perfect:

Used to emphasize the relative timing of an action which will start in the future after another action has completed or an event has occurred.

1.    Actions completed: (will/shall have + past participle): I shall have written my exercise by then.

2.    One event happened before/after another (ever, just, already, recently, before, after):

a)    He will have rung up his wife before he arrives home.

b)    By the time you read this I will have left.

3.    Time expression (since, for, how long, whole, throughout, all, all along): He will have known her for two years next month.

4.    Negative and Interrogative version:

a)    They won’t have arrived by 5:00 p.m.

b)    Will you have eaten when I pick you up?

Future Perfect Continuous:

Used for actions which will be in progress over a period of time that will end sometime between now and the future.

1.    Actions that will continue: (to be" [will have been] + the present participle of the main verb):

a)    Next year I will have been working here for four years. (will continue working)

b)    I’ll have been teaching for twenty years next July. (will continue teaching)

2.    Actions that mark completion: When I finish this course, I will have been learning English for twenty years.

3.    Negative version: I will not have been playing poker for 30 years by then.

4.    Interrogatives version: When I come at 6:00, will you have been practicing long?

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Tips on using Future Tense:

Tip #1: Shall

Shall: Used with I and We to make an offer or suggestion, or to ask for advice in Simple Future.

With ‘I’ in the interrogative form -to make an offer or ask for advice or instructions:

a)    Shall I open the window?

b)    What shall I tell the boss about this money?

With ‘We’ in the interrogative form - to make a suggestion:

  •  Shall we go to the cinema tonight?

With the other persons (you, he, she, and they) shall is only used in literary or poetic situations:

  •  "With rings on her fingers and bells on her toes, she shall have music wherever she goes."

Tip #2: Going to

1.    Going To:  Used to express an action that is already decided upon and preparations have been made.

2.    Formation: be going to + base of the verb

3.    Decision, plan, intention taken at time of talking: Yes. Tomorrow I am going to resign my job.

4.    Something in the present which tells us about the future: It is going to rain; look at those clouds.

5.    Express an action which is on the point of happening: Let's get into the train. It's going to leave.

Tip #3: Soon, Shortly

Soon, shortly, in a few moments, Tomorrow, Next day/ month/week/year: Used to indicate future action.

a)    They will come shortly.

b)    Kumar will go to Delhi next month.

Presently: occurs at the end of the clause and normally refers to a future situation in context of ‘soon’.

a)    I will be teaching Class 6B presently. (This is unequivocally describing a future situation)

b)    I am presently teaching Class 6B. (This is taking place now)

Tip #4: Still

Still: Used to refer to events that are already happening now and that we expect to continue some time into the future. Used in Future Continuous form.

1.    In an hour I'll still be finishing my English homework.

2.    Won't stock prices still be falling in the morning?

3.    Unfortunately, sea levels will still be rising in 20 years.

Tip #5: If, Unless, When

If, unless, when, while, before, after, until, by the time and as soon as: these clauses indicate future action. However, they are conjugated with Simple Present Tense, NOT Simple Future.

a)    Let's wait till he finishes his work.

b)    You must wait here until your father comes.

If: used in present tense form to talk about the future but not normally used with ‘will’

a)    I won't go out if it rains. (Not: will rain)

b)    I will be very happy if you come to my party.

Tip #6: Present Tense

Simple Present and Present Continuous: used in reference to future action for some cases.

Simple Present Tense: Used for official programs and timetables

a)    The school opens on 14th June.

b)    When does the next train leave for Chennai?

Present Continuous Tense: used talk about something that we have planned to do in the future.

a)    We are eating out tonight.

b)    The Chairman is arriving this evening.

Tip #7: Be About to, Be to

Be about to: Be about to + base form of verb is used to express the immediate future in Simple Future tense.

a)    Let's get into the train. It's about to leave.

b)    Don't go out now. We are about to have lunch.

Be to: Be to + base form of verb is used to talk about official plans and arrangements.

a)    The Prime Minister is to visit America next month.

b)    “Prime Minister to visit America.”(Be is usually left out in news reports, headlines)

Tip #8: May, Might, Could, Should

May, Might, Could: these modals are used when we are not sure about the future.

a)    I might stay at home tonight.

b)    We could see Anita at the meeting tomorrow.

Should: used if we think something is likely to happen.

a)    We should be home in time for tea.

b)    The game should be over by eight o’clock.

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Spot the Errors:

Each of the following sentences will contain a mistake in the usage of Present Tense.


I’ll come home when I will finish work. (Incorrect)

I’ll come home when I finish work. (Correct)


Unless you do not labour hard, you will not pass. (Incorrect)

Unless you labour hard, you will not pass. (Correct)


If it will rain, I shall not go to the meeting. (Incorrect)

If it rains, I shall not go to the meeting. (Correct)


I’ll be going to study for my exams tonight. (Incorrect)

I'm going to study for my exams tonight. (Correct)


Don't drop by at 7:20 PM. I may watch TV. (Incorrect)

Don't drop by at 7:20 PM. I might be watching TV. (Correct)


You must wait here until I will return. (Incorrect)

You must wait here until I return. (Correct)


Will I do the dishes for you? (Incorrect)

Shall I do the dishes for you? / Can I do the dishes for you? (Correct)


Tickets could be shown at the gate before entering the theatre. (Incorrect)

Tickets should be shown at the gate before entering the theatre. (Correct)


Frank said that he may be late. (Incorrect)

Frank said that he might be late. / "I may be late," said Frank. (Correct)


Paul isn't free on Thursday. He will work in his aunt's shop. (Incorrect)

Paul isn't free on Thursday. He's working in his aunt's shop. (Correct)


I like to meet the President someday. (Incorrect)

I would like to meet the President someday. (Correct)


Fasten your seatbelts. The plane will be about to take off. (Incorrect)

Fasten your seatbelts. The plane is about to take off. (Correct)


That shall be my mother calling to see if I have left yet. (Incorrect)

That will be my mother calling to see if I have left yet. (Correct)


They will be talking for two hours by then. (Incorrect)

They will have been talking for two hours by then. (Correct)


Will I wear this dress tomorrow night? (Incorrect)

Shall I wear this dress tomorrow night? (Correct)


Look at that speeding car! It will crash into the yellow one. (Incorrect)

Look at that car! It is going to crash into the yellow one. (Correct)


I think Sue arrives in Paris at 6 pm. (Incorrect)

I think Sue will arrive in Paris at 6 pm. (Correct)


In the coming two weeks, temperatures will still rise. (Incorrect)

In the coming two weeks, temperatures will still be rising. (Correct)


I will have been taking a bath at 7 AM tomorrow. (Incorrect)

I will be taking a bath at 7 AM tomorrow. (Correct)


Tomorrow, I am baking a birthday cake. (Incorrect)

Tomorrow, I will be baking a birthday cake. (Correct)

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Future Tense

Future Tense: Future Perfect Tense, Future Continuous Tense, Future Perfect Continuous Tense, Simple Future Tense with Examples


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