Statistical Organization (CSO): It is a national organization which publishes data on national income, national income, national savings, etc.
National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO): The basic aspects on which NSSO provides data are agriculture, consumption expenditure, industry and labour.
Reserve Bank of India Publications (RBI): Apart from its other functions in the banking sector of the country, the Reserve Bank of India compiles information relating to different Banks in the country. This information is published in, 'Report on Currency and Finance', 'Reserve Bank of India Bulletin', etc.
Labour Bureau: This organization provides data on labour in India through its publications, 'Indian Labour Statistics', 'Indian Labour Year Book', 'Indian Labour Journal', etc.
Population Census: A census of the population in the country incorporating differences in Social Science aspects e.g., age, sex, income, etc., is undertaken by the office of the Registrar General regularly after a period of ten years.
Mandal Commission Report is an important source of data on 'castes' as these were used for establishing the case for 'reservations' in public jobs.
The internet has recently emerged as a major source of secondary data.