
Unit-1 Nature And Scope Of Sociology

This unit gives you a definition of sociology. It explains the idea of social groups and areas of concern of sociology.

What is the difference between basic and applied sociology?

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Learning Pundits Content Team

Written on Apr 16, 2019 5:57:42 PM

Sociology is engaged in giving explanations of human social behavior. For making use of this knowledge of human affairs, sociological findings can be and are used in planning development programmes. This kind of use of sociology is given the name of applied sociology. It is obvious that basic sociology is confined to researches into human social behavior. Applied sociology differs from basic; sociology in the sense that it only makes use of sociological findings in planning and implementing action-oriented programmes for development. Sociologists conduct research studies in the area of social life and develop theories with regard to human social behavior, in order to build a body of reliable knowledge through which various aspects of social life can be understood and explained. Sociology provides an understanding about the social order in which we live and about the forces that shape and mould it. It also suggests paths of action to ensure the emergence of new social patterns. Imaginatively pursued the study of sociology enables us to understand the condition and the predicament of human beings. It can, also help in finding solutions for the present problems and dilemmas of society.