
Unit-12 Basic Concepts Relating to Final Accounts

In this unit you will learn about the basic accounting concepts or principles which guide the preparation of final accounts.

How do you make a distinction between material and non material items?

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Learning Pundits Content Team

Written on Jun 25, 2019 5:02:57 PM

This concept is closely related to the Full Disclosure Concept. Full disclosure does not mean that everything should be disclosed. It only means that all relevant and material information must be disclosed. Materiality primarily relates to the relevance and reliability of information.

An item is considered material if there is a reasonable expectation that the knowledge of it would influence the decision of the users of the financial statements. All such material information should be disclosed through the financial statements and the accompanying notes.

However, there are no specific rules for ascertaining material or nonmaterial items. It is just a matter of personal judgement.