
Unit-3 Emergence Of The Modern World

In this unit we introduce the study of a very crucial period in human history in which the foundations of the modem world were laid.

Write in about five lines what you understand by 'humanism'?

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Learning Pundits Content Team

Written on Apr 15, 2019 1:17:07 PM

  • Pico della Mirandola, an Italian humanist of the fifteenth century who had travelled widely and had studied various systems of philosophy, published a list of hundred theses.
  • The Renaissance belief in the limitless potentialities of man may be seen in the following excerpts from his writings: "There is nothing more wonderful than man." This is what I have read in some record of the Arabians.
  • The Renaissance belief in the limitless potentialities of man may be seen in the following excerpts from his writings: "There is nothing more wonderful than man." This is what I have read in some record of the Arabians.
  • "Man is the most fortunate of creatures." Why? Because of all creatures, God did not limit the potential of man.
  • Only humans have freedom of choice and can fashion themselves in whatever shape they prefer.
  • They have the power to degenerate into a brutish form of life, like the animals. Secondly, physical strength or instinct helps them to survive.
  • Or, they have the power to their intelligence to turn themselves into a higher form of life that is god-like.
  • 'The ancient Babylonians said, Man is a being that has a varied nature". Why do we stress this? Because we say that we human beings can become what we will".
  • "Know thyself'. By this rule we are encouraged to investigate all of nature. The person who knows himself or herself knows all things."