
Unit-10 Writing Reports-2 Reporting Meetings And Speeches

In this unit we shall show you how to report a meeting and a speech.

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Question: The same address of the President (given on Feb. 20, 1986) was reported in a different manner in The Tribune Chandigarh. The headline and the lead paragraph of the report are given below. Compare and contrast the headlines and the lead paragraphs in the two reports.


New Delhi, February 20 (P.T.I.; U.N.I.). The President, Giani Zail Singh. today asked the Punjab Government to isolate "those who are resorting to violence to disturb communal harmony and peace" and assured the ruling Akali Dal that in its "supreme tasks it would have the support of all political forces committed to the unity and integrity of the country.”

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Written on Jun 26, 2019 2:55:40 PM

The headline of the report published in The Tribune is: 'President assures Akalis of Support.‘

The lead paragraph is: 'The President ..... asked the Punjab government to isolate 'those who are resorting to violence to disturb communal harmony and peace' and assured the ruling Akali Dal that in its 'supreme task' it would have the support of all political forces committed to the unity and integrity of the country.“

In the report published in The Times of India, the headline refers to the boycott of the address by the opposition parties and the President asking people to isolate the terrorists; the lead paragraph emphasizes the necessity of taking hard decisions to boost economic progress.

The Times of India, being a national daily with an all-India circulation, highlights national issues like the country's plans for economic development and the need for isolating terrorists.

The Tribune, being a regional paper, highlights local issues like the central government's support to the Akali government in Punjab in its fight against people who disturb communal harmony and peace