
Unit-1 Administrative System At The Advent Of British Rule

In this Unit the overall objective is to examine the political and administrative environment in India at the advent 6f British rule.

Who were the "assignees"? What were their functions in the society?

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Learning Pundits Content Team

Written on Jun 26, 2019 4:56:24 PM

  • The superior proprietary tenures were held by a mixed group. They were descendants or representatives of ancient chiefs and nobles, military chiefs or even middlemen called 'assignees’.
  • They also included hereditary officers and local influential that acted as temporary or permanent owners of the government share of the produce or rent so long as they paid a certain tribute or revenue to the State.
  • They usually took 10% of Government share and were responsible for law and order, land improvement and even administration of justice.
  • These various types of assignees formed the feudal structure of society. They often farmed out their lands and this system of revenue farming was oppressive to the cultivators.