
Unit-2 Writing Paragraphs-2 The Development Of A Paragraph

This unit explains different techniques of developing paragraphs.

Of the more than 20 species of small whales, our 300-pound playboy is indentified by his gunmetal hide, his 8 to 12 foot length and his laughing face. The porpoise has no teeth at birth; they begin to appear (from 44 to 50 in each jaw) a few weeks later. Though he suckles for about a year and a half, he begins to munch small squid at four months. He breathes through a single nostril, a crescent-shaped blowhole stop in his head that closes upon contact with water. This is also the source of his 'voice', and he can vibrate it like a human lip. His eyes, set just back from the mouth, are like a human being's, capable of 'ranging'. He hears through a cushioned inner ear and periotic bone, and has the keenest auditory sense of any animal. His brain weighs about 3.7 pounds, which in cell count per cubic centimeter is the same as man's. Some marine biologists believe that porpoises may have a higher potential IQ than man, but have never had to develop it. Because they are so perfectly adapted to their environment.

[Adapted from Scott, J.D. 'Pranksters of the Sea' in Marvels and Mysteries of the Animal World. New York : Reader's Digest Association.]

We have already shown you in Example 2 how a live object may be described. Now, we would like you to describe a familiar scene, let's say, your room. Keeping in mind the points we have discussed, write a description in about 100 words of the room you live in.

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Learning Pundits Content Team

Written on Jun 25, 2019 6:26:45 PM

Here is a specimen description of a room. Check it with yours.

My Room

The room I live in is medium-sized, about 15 feet by 10 feet. The walls are cream-and the door and the window are painted white. There are beds in the centre of the room. I use one, the other is used by my sister whenever she's in Delhi. On one side there are two cupboards, one made of steel and the other wooden. The steel cupboard serves as a wardrobe, while the wooden cupboard has books in it. On the other side there is a writing desk, where I do all my reading and writing. The window has a cooler fitted in it, which makes the room dark I have to keep the door open all the time to get light and fresh air.