
Unit-5 Colonialism - The New Adminstrative System - Pre And Post 1857

The aim of this Unit is to study the pattern and growth of British Administrative System before and after 1857.

Mention three important features of the Act of 1858,

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Learning Pundits Content Team

Written on Apr 24, 2019 6:47:36 PM

The dual control of the Board of control and the Directors of the company was abolished. India was to be governed directly by and in the name of the Crown through a Secretary of State. The Governor General was given the title of Viceroy. By the Act of 1858 India was to be governed directly by and in the name of the Crown through a Secretary of State in England. The Secretary of State was to he assisted by a Council of fifteen members of whom at least nine would have served in India for not less than ten years, and would have left India not more than ten years before their appointment to the Council. The Central administration in India continued to remain in the hands of the Governor General who was given the new title of Viceroy. An executive council was formed to help the Governor General. By this Act the number of members in the Council was increased from 10 to 16. The Act also empowered the Council to discuss the annual financial statement. They were not to vote the budget item by item, but could indulge in a free and fair criticism of the policy of the Government. The role of supervision and control of the Secretary of State for India was increased and a proportional diminution in the powers of the Governor General vis-a-vis the Home Government was brought about.