
Unit-5 Colonialism - The New Adminstrative System - Pre And Post 1857

The aim of this Unit is to study the pattern and growth of British Administrative System before and after 1857.

List three important features of the reorganisation of army by the British.

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Learning Pundits Content Team

Written on Apr 24, 2019 6:47:11 PM

Some major changes were made in the organisation of the army in 1861 keeping in view the outbreak of 1857. With the take over of the administration by the Crown the army of the Company was also merged with the crown troops. In the re-organisation of the army the main concern of the British was that the happening of 1857 may never be repeated. For this a number of steps were taken. The proportion of Europeans in the army was raised. (In 1857 there were 40,000 Europeans and 215,OO Indians). In Bengal it was fixed in the ratio of I:2 and in Madras and Bombay 2:5. In the important branches of army like European hold was established over negligible Indians. Later the same policy was followed about tanks and armoured corps. A distinction of martial and non-martial races was made and the former were recruited in large numbers. The soldiers of Bihar, Awadh, Bengal and south India who had participated in the revolt of 1857 were declared non-martial. While the soldiers who supported the British like, Sikhs, Gurkhas and Pathans were declared martial.