A large number of women are employed in complex society. However, most of them are in low-level jobs--clerical, receptionists, etc. Very few reach high positions. As matters stand today anti-women job discrimination is on the way out. It is no longer felt that a woman must stay at home and only do domestic work. Further the concept of two incomes has gained popularity. There is "horizontal"' segregation in that women are mostly in clerical jobs, catering, receptionists, nursing,, school teaching and so on. There is 'vertical' segregation also-for example relatively few women reach top managerial positions, or skilled manual jobs. As such their wages too are lower than those of men. As matters stand today anti-women job discrimination is on the way out. It is no longer felt that a woman must stay at home: and only do domestic work. Further the concept of two incomes has gained popularity.